The Gund


Annual Senior Student Exhibition 2019

Information About the Event

On View

Buchwald-Wright Gallery, Free Admission


Leah Adekunle-Raji, Kaylin Allshouse, Liv Biel, Catherine Carroll, Jackie Dicks, Oscar Dow, Emily Fritze, Sarah Gaglione, Alison Georgescu, Max Humphrey, Ana Inciardi, Sophia Kuvan, Erica Littlejohn, Sam Montoya, Michaela Orr, Rosa Rumora, Sarah Sklar, Alana Zack, Kate Zibas, and Anna Zinanti.


The Gund programs and exhibitions are made possible, in part, by The Gund Board of Directors and the Ohio Arts Council.


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The Annual Senior Student Exhibition 2019 showcases the work of 20 graduating art majors from Kenyon College. The exhibition is a critical step for students completing the Senior Exercise in Studio Art and represents a year of intense exploration and discovery.